Caballo Negro - Fekete Ló - Cal Negru © András Vargas 2021
1. Caballo Negro - Fekete ló
2. Reggeli hangulat - Intermezzo - Atmosfera de dimineata
3. Karavan - Caravana
4. Fel Tibetbe - Sus in Tibet - Up to Tibet
5. Himalaya
6. Nirvana
7. Love on the Ocean - Szerelem az Óceánon - Dragoste pe Ocean
8. Katonadal (Tinódinak) - Cantec de soldat
9. Kell-e doktor Katica (Dankó Pistának) - Ciardas maghiar
10. Téli tájkép - Peisaj de iarna
11. Gyengédség - Tendresse - Tandrete
12. Fiesta Gitana - Vadság - Salbaticie - Sarbatoarea tiganeasca
13. Juanita
!4. Kóborol a macska - Walking cat - Pisica hoinarand

Memories on guitar - released in 2020
Memories on guitar
1. Portugal
2. Strelecky island (Prague)
3. At first sight
4. Memories
5. Time spiral
6. Above the city
7. Camino
8. Baila morena
9. Memories (two guitar)
10. Anonyme Romance (two guitar)
11. Sierra nevada (rumba)
12. Interstellar
13. Hun landscape
14. Ballade of Kursk (Barents sea}
Brisa Marina - released in 2018
András Vargas is a guitarist, composer and visual artist. Although he have graduated the Academy of Visual Arts "Ion Andreescu" from Cluj, his desire to express himself promptly, through music and the flamenco guitar sonorities, has proved to be more powerful than the visual world. Since 1990 his desire to create a musical world gave him the motivation and perseverance to self-study guitar and in 1994 he succeeded in forming the first musical group, called Guadalquivir. It was the first trio guitar band in Romania with its own repertoire including also traditional flamenco songs. The band have numerous performances both in Romania and abroad. In 2004 he formed the group VERDE DEL MAR in Budapest. Since 2006 "VERDE DEL MAR have performed as a musical group playing songs mostly composed by Andras Varga songs. Since 2008 the artist Vargas Andras put on a series of live solo concerts and personal exhibitions in Romania and Hungary, The "Brisa Marina" Cd is a collection of representative works composed between 1995-2012.
Special thanks for Csaba Krézsek (sponsor), Árpád Hadnagy-REDPMUSIC studio, recordings in 2012, Zsolt Asztalos-percussion and Pál Antal, Péter Hajnal Margit photos and cover design. András Vargas cover design.
Recorded in REDPMUSIC Studio, Wien 2012 Digital mixing and mastering by András Vargas, Cd released in 2018 June
Musicians: András Vargas- guitar, Zsolt Asztalos-percussion. All music composed by András Vargas ©
"Amor y libertad" released in 2017
Contain various composition in many styles, with the guitar in main solo function, from rumbas to african (Africa dream, Savannah daylight) or indian (Indian wind) influences, and also blues and some ambiental pieces with synthesizer
1. Amor y libertad
2. Journey inside
3. Africa dream
4. Savannah daylight
5. Blue sky
6. Touch
7. Larende spring
8 .La vida hermosa
9. Out of space
10. Corazón perdido
11. Walking in deep space
12. Indian wind
13. Angel at dawn
14. Easy blues
Medieval Mediterranean (2018)
A musical mixture in many ways from the flamenco guitar to acoustic and electric guitars and synthesizers also.
1. Medieval Mediterranean
2. Classical etude
3. By night
4. Days in circle
5. Simple mood
6. El condor pasa
7. Meditation
8. Rumba with oud solo
9. Railroad solo
10. Touching the stars
11. Corazón perdido
12. Colours of winter
13. Vals
14. Rumbita melancholica
Guadalquivir guitar trio - 1997
Guadalquivir it was my first band started as a guitar trio in 1995. with the participation of Krézsek Csaba and Árpád Hadnagy. We can say it was the first guitar trio in romania who start to play flamenco as well.
Later the group get new members, Kinga Ujhelyi (vocal) Viola Csíszér (flute) and Zsolt Asztalos (percussion)
Guadalquivir also participate to several theatral spectacles, dance theatre, with the dancer and coreograph Lóránt András (Madamoiselle Julie - Strindberg) , Vérkötelék - F. G. Lorca)
Here i present our first recorded concert in 1997 available as cd. A real vintage tape, with original compositions first versions like Dos hermanos (rumba) or Ojos negros (rumba) saved and enabled for the public.
"Brisa Marina (Tengeri fuvallat)" - selection
(released in 2014 remastered in 2015)
It is a compilation from several earlier works. Some tracks are the original first versions, this is the reason of the different sound and quality of the records. It s a true scale of my inspiration from the Lake of "Tata" (Tremolo) to "My Buleria" or " Dos Hermanos" (Rumba). also you can listen the first version of the composition "Amor y libertad" (Rumba) . This Cd was released in 2014. Now it s available digitally remastered in 2018.
Verde del mar (2006-2009)
A zenekar többnyire Varga András szerzeményeit adja elő, de a műsorban megtalálhatók más műfajok is, mint a flamenco (tangos, bulerias, sevillanas), a magyar népdalfeldolgozások, vagy a hangszerelésében arab illetve keleti hangzású zene. A zenekar neve, Verde Del Mar, magyarul a tenger zöldje, a mediterránt, az életet, az örök hullámzást sugallja.
Members from 2006-2009 period:
Varga András »Gitár
Pozsgai Attila » Ének, Gitár, Ütőhangszerek, Taps
Káldi Tamás » Nagybőgő
Szabó Péter » Fuvola, Kaval, Ney
Hána László » Ütőhangszerek, Taps
Varga Merse» Ütőhangszerek, Taps
With Veronika Zollai Live Concert in Filter (Mühely)
Budapest with Veronika Zollai (2006)
1. Solea
2. Fandango y alegria
3. Ne aludj el két szememnek világa
4. Gyere ki te gyöngyvirág
5. Azt gondoltam eső esik
6. Engem anyám megátkozott
7. Menek anyám menek
8. Kicsiny madár milyen fenn szállsz
9 Tengeri fuvallat
10. Azt gondoltam eső esik (gitár)
11. Túl a vizen egy kosár
12. Kerek utca kicsi ház
13. Kicsiny madár milyen fenn szállsz